9th SPE Comparative Study


9th SPE Comparative Study The problem from the SPE-29110 paper is an extended test for three-phase three-dimensional Black-Oil modelling technique. The problem description can be found in: Killough, J.E. 1995 Ninth SPE Comparative Solution Project: A Reexamination of Black-Oil Simulation. 13th SPE Symposium on Reservoir Simulation, San Antonio, Feb 12-15, 1995 DOI:10.2118/29110-MS. The problem involves oil production from a dipping initially undersaturated reservoir. There are 9000 grid blocks in total (rectilinear grid: 24*25*15). The permeability distribution is heterogeneous whereas the porosity distribution is homogeneous in every layer. The dip angle is 10 degrees. The oil-water capillary pressure is exposed to rapid variations under small saturation changes. There are 25 producers and a single water injector which is completed below oil-water contact. The field (and well) oil and gas production rates, bottom-hole pressures, GOR, water cut, pressure and saturation distributions should be reported every 15 days through 900 days of production.


Associated files

File Version Description
SPE9.RUN 2015.D Input file for the 9th SPE Comparative Study.
SPE9.PERMX - Heterogeneous permeability distribution.
SPE9.pvsm - ParaView state file for the output visualization and postprocessing.

Screenshots and animated figures


  1. Killough, J.E. 1995 Ninth SPE Comparative Solution Project: A Reexamination of Black-Oil Simulation. 13th SPE Symposium on Reservoir Simulation, San Antonio, Feb 12-15, 1995. DOI: 10.2118/29110-MS.
  2. Afanasyev, A. 2015 Hydrodynamic modelling of petroleum reservoirs using simulator MUFITS. Energy Procedia. 76: 427-435. DOI:10.1016/j.egypro.2015.07.861.