Well placement


Well placement This example demonstrates a generic method for the optimal well placement. A synthetic 3D reservoir model of an oil field is considered. The heterogeneous model consists of 3 lithological units and 12600 grid blocks. This is a two-phase study because the reservoir pressure is assumed higher than that in the bubble point. The primary recovery mechanism is the water drive. The placements of six wells must be found that maximize oil production over 10 years period. The wells are completed through the whole depth of the reservoir and are operated at a given oil production rate with the BHP constrain. Since the constraint can be reached for every well, the optimal placement is not obvious. The problem is considered by using the OPTIM-ENDOPTIM section of the U-program (Utilities program). The input RUN-file to the U-program, the Template file of the hydrodynamic model and the grid file are provided. The U-program calls many times, in an automated manner, the H-program by varying parameters (i.e. the declarations) in the template to find the maximum value of the objective function that is the cumulative oil production. The objective function is specified in the POST section of the Template.

File Version Description
WP-STUDY.RUN 2020.A Input file to the U-program.
WELL-PLACEMENT.TEMPLATE 2020.A The template of the reservoir model.
RESERVOIR-1.GRDECL 2020.A The grid file (geological model).


  1. Andreeva, A.I., Afanasyev, A.A. 2021 Method for Well Placement Optimization in Oil Field Development. Moscow University Mechanics Bulletin, 76, 55–60. DOI:10.3103/S0027133021020023